Sunday, October 25, 2009

coral reef options?

This is a really interesting article I read on the BBC website. It basically talks about how coral reefs are so degraded that chances of saving them are slim. In response to this, scientists proposed that they could freeze the coral in nitrogen and wait until the ocean stablizes before reintroducing them to the ocean.
To me, this idea seems pretty absurd, but read the short article for yourself to get a full understanding about it.

1 comment:

  1. IN order for this idea to be iable they would have to consider the effects of the removal of the coral on the biodiversity of the life that inhabits each and every different coral reef. If tey wanted to re-introduce the corals to the water after the CO2 stabilizes, they would have to wait until the conditions are perfect and also, they would need to freeze other life that helps keep the reefs maintained, like small fish that may not survive. This would most likely end up be a multi-billion dollar process, but in the end it may not even work because corals have such a small range of acceptable conditions that the oceans may never meet again.
