Thursday, November 19, 2009

Preschool Education Group

We went to a preschool here on campus and read the students a story about global warming and its affects on animals. We then did an arts and crafts project where the children painted the world and we then talked about what we can do to change the world for the better (i.e recycle, walk more, tell a friends, turn off lights, save water, plant a tree, pick up trash). The children also discussed how each of them had painted their world differently and therefore had the power to make an individual difference.

I was shocked at how much the four year olds knew about global warming and pollution. They were thoroughly concerned about the animals and the effects that a warmer earth would have on the ice caps and the animals that live there. Several of the children were asked "should the earth be very hot, very cold, or in between?" Everyone of them answered that the Earth should be in the midle of hot and cold so that the plants can grow, the animals can live, and people are comfortable. The were very intuitive on what we can do to repair the damage we have done to the climate. Each one of them were able to discuss different techniques that they used in their own homes to create a "greener" and more sustainable future.

I was very pleased with the children in the class and their eagerness to adress the problem of climate change. I fell that targeting this younger population is key to solving the problem or at least an important first step in the right direction to bringing about awareness and making a change for the better.


  1. I love the activity you did with the children! Each creating their own version of the world to show that they can make their individual difference. I agree that targeting that age is a great idea, in order for the children to grow up already being aware of climate change.
    Often times, I think that we underestimate children and their thinking/thought processes. Since they absorb everything, they are at a prime time to learn such important concepts. And as the activity showed, the kids were already aware of necessary things to ensure a healthy planet. Great activity!

  2. Yes, In addition to this I loved seeing how fasinated the kids were with the activities, the amount of knowledge that these children had was remarkable. I thoroughly enjoyed this project and took a lot from it.
