Thursday, December 3, 2009
Education evaluation
For anyone who wasn’t at the education presentation day. Arielle and I surveyed two high school classes of 9th and 10th graders on global warming. The high school group we compared to an equal number of randomly chosen FGCU students. We did this to evaluate FGCU success on educating the students on nature resources and climate change. We had six questions on facts about global warming and the other four questions were about the student thoughts on global warming. We got 69 student from each group to answer the survey. We wanted the same number to be able to not only compare each other with percents but in real numbers. I thought it was interesting that on the question that we asked which was not a contributor of global warming and about half of the FGCU students responded saying water vapor and 75% high school responded in the same way. Almost a third of high school students polled knew that the America did not sign the Kyoto Protocol, while only half of FGCU students polled answered correctly. For how concerned students were about climate change both groups had over half from concerned or extremely concerned. Only about ten percent or lower of each of the groups were not concerned at all. Of all the students polled in both groups over 80% thought that humans were one of the largest contributing factor to climate change. One of the last things that I want to touch on is the question that we had on sources of information on climate change. I was impressed that over 50% of college students were getting it from teachers and other sources such as research. I was a little concerned that high school students put their leader of information being media with 58%. This concerned me because the media can change fact and images to what they are trying to portray. Over all I thought that FGCU students did well on the survey and that do to the concern I have about the media as a primary source for high school students I think that FGCU services as a good example for not only other colleges but possibly other types of schools in the area.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Summary for Education ( Yesenia Garcia)
I have to say that I am very pleased with the results I was able to obtain in my global warming education project. Students didn’t only seem interested but I felt like I was really able to make a connection with the senior and juniors at Gulf Coast High School.After I played the video I was able to see that not only had I been able to make an impact in these student’s lives but I had grown a special interest in them. Some students would continue to look at each other and say small comments like “unbelievable,” what I even found most interesting was their viewpoints. I guess I also have to give credit to the new Hollywood film called “2012.” According to my research the film references Mayanism, the Mesoamerican Long Count calendar, and the 2012 phenomenon in its portrayal of cataclysmic events unfolding in the year 2012. Due to solar flare bombardment the Earth's core begins heating up at an unprecedented rate, eventually causing crustal displacement. This results in an onslaught of Doomsday event scenarios plunging the world into chaos, ranging from California falling into the Pacific Ocean, the eruption of the Yellowstone National Park caldera, massive earthquakes, and Megatsunami impacts along every coast line on the Earth. The film centers around an ensemble cast of characters as they narrowly escape multiple catastrophes in an effort to reach ships in the Himalayas, along with scientists and governments of the world who are attempting to save as many lives as they can before the disasters ensue. While conducting my presentation, students would continuously go back to the film and tell me parts that resembled what I was trying to explain to them about greenhouse gasses. I felt like the timing for my presentation was perfect and that this film, even though in some areas a bit fictitious, really helped students understand the overall consequences and catastrophes that can relate to the entire global warming phenomenon.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Devil's Advocate
I saw this link on a friend's FB and figured I'd pass it along. Very Illuminating.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Preschool Education Group
We went to a preschool here on campus and read the students a story about global warming and its affects on animals. We then did an arts and crafts project where the children painted the world and we then talked about what we can do to change the world for the better (i.e recycle, walk more, tell a friends, turn off lights, save water, plant a tree, pick up trash). The children also discussed how each of them had painted their world differently and therefore had the power to make an individual difference.
I was shocked at how much the four year olds knew about global warming and pollution. They were thoroughly concerned about the animals and the effects that a warmer earth would have on the ice caps and the animals that live there. Several of the children were asked "should the earth be very hot, very cold, or in between?" Everyone of them answered that the Earth should be in the midle of hot and cold so that the plants can grow, the animals can live, and people are comfortable. The were very intuitive on what we can do to repair the damage we have done to the climate. Each one of them were able to discuss different techniques that they used in their own homes to create a "greener" and more sustainable future.
I was very pleased with the children in the class and their eagerness to adress the problem of climate change. I fell that targeting this younger population is key to solving the problem or at least an important first step in the right direction to bringing about awareness and making a change for the better.
I was shocked at how much the four year olds knew about global warming and pollution. They were thoroughly concerned about the animals and the effects that a warmer earth would have on the ice caps and the animals that live there. Several of the children were asked "should the earth be very hot, very cold, or in between?" Everyone of them answered that the Earth should be in the midle of hot and cold so that the plants can grow, the animals can live, and people are comfortable. The were very intuitive on what we can do to repair the damage we have done to the climate. Each one of them were able to discuss different techniques that they used in their own homes to create a "greener" and more sustainable future.
I was very pleased with the children in the class and their eagerness to adress the problem of climate change. I fell that targeting this younger population is key to solving the problem or at least an important first step in the right direction to bringing about awareness and making a change for the better.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Comment on Enormous Jellyfish Post
Hi, everyone.
Wow this was incredible. I looked at the image of the jellyfish next to the diver for about 5 minuts. I thought the image was fake, these creatures are truly incredible. I couldn't help thinking about several incidents that occured many years back when radiation technology first came out. Back then even film makers began to make hollywood thrilers on gigantic ants, I wouldn't be suprised if scientists were to find a correlation between technological advancements and the size of these incredible organisms. Great Post !
Wow this was incredible. I looked at the image of the jellyfish next to the diver for about 5 minuts. I thought the image was fake, these creatures are truly incredible. I couldn't help thinking about several incidents that occured many years back when radiation technology first came out. Back then even film makers began to make hollywood thrilers on gigantic ants, I wouldn't be suprised if scientists were to find a correlation between technological advancements and the size of these incredible organisms. Great Post !
The Forum on Religion and Ecology at Yale
Hey guys! I know we said no more new posts, but I wanted to share some information that is relevant to my project. Dr. Hartley shared this website with me that covers how many religious groups are getting involved in climate change initiatives. It contains statements from many groups, including the religions of Buddhism, Christianity, Cunfucianism, Judaism, Hinduism, and more.
"The world’s religious traditions must play major roles in enabling societies and individuals to take effective and ethical actions to address the causes and impacts of climate change...The analysis indicates significant religiously-based involvement and influence on ethical aspects of climate change and points to great potential for the role of religion in future solutions."
-"Roles of religion and ethics in addressing in climate change" Paula J. Posas
"The world’s religious traditions must play major roles in enabling societies and individuals to take effective and ethical actions to address the causes and impacts of climate change...The analysis indicates significant religiously-based involvement and influence on ethical aspects of climate change and points to great potential for the role of religion in future solutions."
-"Roles of religion and ethics in addressing in climate change" Paula J. Posas
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Changes to blog
Hey guys! Thanks for all the amazing posts and keeping us all updated on your project. As of now we will no longer be making NEW posts, but you will still be required to COMMENT on other posts. There are many posts available to do this! Please let me know if you have any questions.
Keep up the great work!
Keep up the great work!
U.S. and China on Carbon
Groups Press U.S. and China on Carbon
Published: November 3, 2009
BEIJING — Three prominent American research organizations that are pushing for greater cooperation between the Obama administration and China on the issue of climate change say the two governments should make a priority of supporting the use of carbon capture technology and the creation of a market for carbon.
The organizations, the Asia Society, the Center for American Progress and the Natural Resources Defense Council, or N.R.D.C., are putting out two separate reports this month that urge the two governments to put more money into projects in China that can better develop the technology of carbon capture and sequestration, commonly called C.C.S. The process captures carbon dioxide emissions from industrial and power plants before they enter the atmosphere and stores them underground, usually in geological formations.
President Obama is scheduled to make his first trip to China this month. He and Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton have said cooperation on climate change is a new top priority in United States-China relations. But the two countries have yet to take concrete steps together on any proposals. Some environmental advocates who have been following the talks say they are growing increasingly pessimistic about the chances of serious cooperation.
Advocates also say that any hope of a meaningful result emerging from the international climate change summit meeting to take place in December in Copenhagen might depend on whether the United States and China first demonstrate that they can reach agreements among themselves.
Orville Schell, a China scholar who helped organize the writing of the Asia Society report that is co-produced with the Center for American Progress, said in an e-mail message that the report “is written to help the Obama administration have some concrete cooperative project that they can bring to Beijing.”
The three organizations stress in their reports that developing C.C.S. technology is critical to alleviating climate change because the United States and China, the two largest greenhouse gas emitters in the world, rely heavily on coal for their energy needs. Those countries are unlikely to move away from this reliance on coal and other fossil fuels anytime soon.
“Both countries will continue to depend on burning large amounts of coal for the foreseeable future, and thus, if this technology can be proven at sufficient levels of scale and safety, the deployment of C.C.S. technologies is an essential element in any effort to stabilize global greenhouse gas emissions,” the Asia Society and Center for American Progress report says. The report is scheduled to be released Wednesday.
A summary of the N.R.D.C. report, to be released this month, lists several carbon capture projects that have been started by state-owned enterprises in China, but says “more substantial funding from both the Chinese government and international sources is critical in order to deploy and improve C.C.S. technologies and thus reduce the costs involved.”
I found this article online from the New York Times. I think that it is a great idea for the two countries with the largest amount of GHG emissions to come together and brainstorm on ways to better our environment and the issues of climate change. What worries me, however, is that many organizations are pushing for new carbon capture and sequestration technology. I do agree that the government should look into providing more money towards this cause, but I think there should be much more research and tests performed on this idea especially because such a huge project (carbon capture and sequestration) could have a potentially negative result in the end, while people are focused on a temporarily positive outcome at first.
Published: November 3, 2009
BEIJING — Three prominent American research organizations that are pushing for greater cooperation between the Obama administration and China on the issue of climate change say the two governments should make a priority of supporting the use of carbon capture technology and the creation of a market for carbon.
The organizations, the Asia Society, the Center for American Progress and the Natural Resources Defense Council, or N.R.D.C., are putting out two separate reports this month that urge the two governments to put more money into projects in China that can better develop the technology of carbon capture and sequestration, commonly called C.C.S. The process captures carbon dioxide emissions from industrial and power plants before they enter the atmosphere and stores them underground, usually in geological formations.
President Obama is scheduled to make his first trip to China this month. He and Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton have said cooperation on climate change is a new top priority in United States-China relations. But the two countries have yet to take concrete steps together on any proposals. Some environmental advocates who have been following the talks say they are growing increasingly pessimistic about the chances of serious cooperation.
Advocates also say that any hope of a meaningful result emerging from the international climate change summit meeting to take place in December in Copenhagen might depend on whether the United States and China first demonstrate that they can reach agreements among themselves.
Orville Schell, a China scholar who helped organize the writing of the Asia Society report that is co-produced with the Center for American Progress, said in an e-mail message that the report “is written to help the Obama administration have some concrete cooperative project that they can bring to Beijing.”
The three organizations stress in their reports that developing C.C.S. technology is critical to alleviating climate change because the United States and China, the two largest greenhouse gas emitters in the world, rely heavily on coal for their energy needs. Those countries are unlikely to move away from this reliance on coal and other fossil fuels anytime soon.
“Both countries will continue to depend on burning large amounts of coal for the foreseeable future, and thus, if this technology can be proven at sufficient levels of scale and safety, the deployment of C.C.S. technologies is an essential element in any effort to stabilize global greenhouse gas emissions,” the Asia Society and Center for American Progress report says. The report is scheduled to be released Wednesday.
A summary of the N.R.D.C. report, to be released this month, lists several carbon capture projects that have been started by state-owned enterprises in China, but says “more substantial funding from both the Chinese government and international sources is critical in order to deploy and improve C.C.S. technologies and thus reduce the costs involved.”
I found this article online from the New York Times. I think that it is a great idea for the two countries with the largest amount of GHG emissions to come together and brainstorm on ways to better our environment and the issues of climate change. What worries me, however, is that many organizations are pushing for new carbon capture and sequestration technology. I do agree that the government should look into providing more money towards this cause, but I think there should be much more research and tests performed on this idea especially because such a huge project (carbon capture and sequestration) could have a potentially negative result in the end, while people are focused on a temporarily positive outcome at first.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Enormous Jellyfish Sink Japanese Fishing Boat - Science News | Science & Technology | Technology News -
Enormous Jellyfish Sink Japanese Fishing Boat - Science News Science & Technology Technology News -
The article made an interesting correlation with the population boom and move of these giant jellyfish to climate change. Check it out.
The article made an interesting correlation with the population boom and move of these giant jellyfish to climate change. Check it out.
Friday, October 30, 2009
Education Group (Yesenia )
Hi Everyone ! I just made a previous post on the organization I am trying to contact in order to send them the funds I collect for the reforestation project in Africa. However, I wanted a little feedback on how I can validate the the history of these companies and whether they are properly accredited. I don't want to send the funds to companies that earn profits from them. Does anyone know of any websites I can use in order to check for the proper documentation for these organizations? I would like any feedback as soon as possible. It is imperative for me to know before I begin to collect funds from the high school students as well as campus students. I want to be able to inform them of the organization I am working with on this project. Thanks everyone !
Education Group
Hello everyone !
I am just updating on my education project. I am currently in contact with an agency that conducts reforestation projects in certain areas of Africa. The agency is called Better Globe. I have included the website below along with there mission statement in this post. Please let me know if anyone has any other ideas on how I can introduce this project possibly around campus in order to collect more funds.
Mission Statament:
Why plant trees? In the future we will have to realize that the world's rainforests are not an unlimited supply of firewood, building material and exotic furniture. Timber from sustainable forestry will be in high demand and probably an increasingly valuable commodity, making it all the more a better investment. And let us not forget that planting trees is investing in the future of our children. Tree planting is the best known way to prevent erosion and desertification, which is a constant threat to Africa's suffering soil fertility. Trees also create economic growth through harvesting of sustainable natural resources (fruits, medicine, replacement of chemicals, etc) and development of supporting industries. Planting trees is crucial to Africa's food production and the best known way to absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere!
How can I help Africa and Better Globe?
How can I help Africa and Better Globe?
You can help Better Globe stop hunger and poverty in Africa with very little effort, time and expense. By becoming a Better Globe tree investor you'll actually help poor families in Africa and make a profit. Your first step is to learn more about Better Globe; read through this page. The next step is getting involved and spreading the word. And in Better Globe; the more you give, the more you in turn receive! Sign up today on my Better Globe affiliate site, help us make a difference:
What Is Being Said Around Town ...
I work at a Local restaurant and our guests like to hear about how we are spending our days in school. A group of 4 elderly men and 2 elderly women asked about my course work, when i proceeded to tell them I am taking Environmental Health Studies, Colloquium, and Global Warming they turned the conversation over to themselves. They proceeded to explain to me how my generation (I am 21) has turned into tree-hugging hippees who do not have a clue on how to change the world. Planting trees and using reusable bags is just a way to fit in with this culture that has already hit its peak. The conversation went back and forth from myself trying to educate them to them shooting down every idea and statement placed before them. However, what got under my skin the most was when one of the old ladies chimmed in and said that I, and everyone else in my generation will never have as much knowledge as they do and for us to try and change the way everyone lives is ridiculous. She said that all this time and money we put into revamping power plants, building solar pannels to heat our buildings and consructing wind farms is a waste when all it would do is stop the temperature from rising"one lousey degree".
At this point I try to explain to the woman that the one degree difference is liable to wipe out many plant and animal species around the world, they ended the conversation with a very hurtful statement (Paraphrasing)...
"FGCU students are wasting their time and their funds on a cause that is too expensive to take off, to minute for anyone to really want to make a difference, and on a cause that isnt going to affect them one way or another in this life time... its honestly a waste of time and a waste of young brain power, who wouldve thought that our "future" would be lead by idiots ..."
I took this statement as a challenge, a challenge to do all we can to prove them wrong. If one group of people thinks this then there are probably more in our community. We need to raise awareness to these folks, do all we can to change the planet for the better ...
Please leave your comments on this conversation I was a part of and do not be afraid to be completely honest, I am curious to see the reactions to the elderly's statements and to my rebuttle...]
Thanks guys! -Shawna J-
At this point I try to explain to the woman that the one degree difference is liable to wipe out many plant and animal species around the world, they ended the conversation with a very hurtful statement (Paraphrasing)...
"FGCU students are wasting their time and their funds on a cause that is too expensive to take off, to minute for anyone to really want to make a difference, and on a cause that isnt going to affect them one way or another in this life time... its honestly a waste of time and a waste of young brain power, who wouldve thought that our "future" would be lead by idiots ..."
I took this statement as a challenge, a challenge to do all we can to prove them wrong. If one group of people thinks this then there are probably more in our community. We need to raise awareness to these folks, do all we can to change the planet for the better ...
Please leave your comments on this conversation I was a part of and do not be afraid to be completely honest, I am curious to see the reactions to the elderly's statements and to my rebuttle...]
Thanks guys! -Shawna J-
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Global Warming Video
This video is a great link for how to teach global warming to young children in terms they can understand through the use of a cartoon character. I highly reccomend watching the video or playing it for your children. I found it to be quite educational and very cute.
Arts Projects For Children
Understanding global warming and the effects of greenhouse gases is an important aspect of education for younger children. However, the information and scientific facts may be hard for some children to grasp. Therefore, it is beneficial to discuss global warming through art projects and hands on activities. A four year old will probably not understand the term "carbon dioxide," but you can use the fizz of a soda to demonstrate this greenhouse gas You can also experiment with varying temperature levels and see what effect the levels have on ice cubes, plants, and other items.
These arts projects allow you to ask in depth questions that cause your child to think about the issue of global warming:
What do you think will happen if the Earth gets hotter and hotter?
What do you think causes global warming?
What can we do to help the environment?
Using arts projects are the best way to get across the information and provide a visual representation of the problems associated with global warming and help you child to understand the issues at hand.
These arts projects allow you to ask in depth questions that cause your child to think about the issue of global warming:
What do you think will happen if the Earth gets hotter and hotter?
What do you think causes global warming?
What can we do to help the environment?
Using arts projects are the best way to get across the information and provide a visual representation of the problems associated with global warming and help you child to understand the issues at hand.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Stevie Campbell's Solution Project
Here's a slide show of the home school children making arts and crafts out of recycled materials. First we made bottle cap lockets, then broken CD pumpkin magnets, and finally paper plate and Popsicle stick masks for Halloween. The kids had a blast and are all getting involved with the Internet site I used as an introductory video at
Go Green for Halloween
Tips to Reduce Your Halloween
1. Halloween Food
Reduce the amount of money spent on candy and empty calorie foods.Focus on making healthier foods more spooky and fun to eat.
2. Costumes
Reducing amount of money spent on costumes.Find ways to Reuse or Recycle costumes instead.
3. Halloween Treats
Buy the healthier candy or treats such as chocolate covered nuts or raisins.Choose ones that use the least amount of packaging.
4. Decorations
Reduce the amount of money spent on decorations.
Find ways to Reuse or Recycle decorations or decorating items instead.
Fill bags with leaves or newspaper, decorate with natural items such as pumpkins, cornstalks and branches.
Use Fluorescent light bulbs to decorate the house and an LED tea light for the pumpkin.
5. Activities
Reduce the amount of money spent on elaborate activities.
6. Find ways to have fun that don't involve a lot of money or resources such as going to free carnivals, walking around and looking at Halloween decorations, bobbing for apples or Trick or treating for UNICEF or Sight Night (and do a good deed in the process).
7. Transportation
If possible walk, ride a bike or using public transportation to get to Halloween parties or if trick-or-treating.If you have to drive, carpool to help reduce traffic and air pollution.
1. Halloween Food
Reduce the amount of money spent on candy and empty calorie foods.Focus on making healthier foods more spooky and fun to eat.
2. Costumes
Reducing amount of money spent on costumes.Find ways to Reuse or Recycle costumes instead.
3. Halloween Treats
Buy the healthier candy or treats such as chocolate covered nuts or raisins.Choose ones that use the least amount of packaging.
4. Decorations
Reduce the amount of money spent on decorations.
Find ways to Reuse or Recycle decorations or decorating items instead.
Fill bags with leaves or newspaper, decorate with natural items such as pumpkins, cornstalks and branches.
Use Fluorescent light bulbs to decorate the house and an LED tea light for the pumpkin.
5. Activities
Reduce the amount of money spent on elaborate activities.
6. Find ways to have fun that don't involve a lot of money or resources such as going to free carnivals, walking around and looking at Halloween decorations, bobbing for apples or Trick or treating for UNICEF or Sight Night (and do a good deed in the process).
7. Transportation
If possible walk, ride a bike or using public transportation to get to Halloween parties or if trick-or-treating.If you have to drive, carpool to help reduce traffic and air pollution.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
today in Arcadia
I just wanted to add this to the blog because it is so close to us and it shows a little about a publics thoughts of green power.
By Maggie Crane, WINK News
Arcadia: a town with a future, but what about the present?
By Maggie Crane, WINK News
Story Created: Oct 26, 2009 at 10:14 PM EDT
Story Updated: Oct 26, 2009 at 11:17 PM EDT
ARCADIA, Fla - President Barack Obama is in Florida tonight, and he'll flip the switch on the country's largest solar energy field in Arcadia Tuesday Morning.
During the height of construction on the solar fields, Florida Power and Light employed 400 workers, but some say those jobs have come and gone -- leaving a town with a future but no present plan to help.
Call it the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow -- FPL's $152 Million Next Generation Energy Center. It's fuel-free and pollution free, plus it will pay for itself over time.
"In the life of this plant it will off-set what we'd otherwise have to burn -- 7 Billion cubic feet of natural gas and 277,000 barrels of oil," FPL's Eric Silagy says. "We don't have to buy that now."
90,500 solar panels dot the Desoto County field. Florida Power and Light says it's the future of renewable energy, but some people in Arcadia fear that looking to the bigger picture of the future bypasses the present problems.
"With the decline of businesses, the quality of life went out because revenue left," Lonnie Ward Jr. of National Communications Network, says. "When you see people without jobs who can't provide for themselves, you see structures start to fall and people who can't cover mortgages."
In September this year, more than 1,700 people in Desoto County were without work. That's 11.7 percent unemployment. During the same month last year, unemployment sat at 8.5 percent.
Sustainable jobs at the solar fields are few, and that doesn't sit well with some.
"It's a waste of money," Bob Lee says. "It it doesn't bring jobs, why build it?"
But others hope the solar fields will mean long-term growth on the horizon.
"Disney started in the middle of the state, and it sprung up," Pastor Phil Stutzman of the Church of Arcadia, says. "Here we are, Arcadia, just waiting to be discovered."
there is a video if anyone would like to see it and also what the president had to say at the following link:
During the height of construction on the solar fields, Florida Power and Light employed 400 workers, but some say those jobs have come and gone -- leaving a town with a future but no present plan to help.
Call it the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow -- FPL's $152 Million Next Generation Energy Center. It's fuel-free and pollution free, plus it will pay for itself over time.
"In the life of this plant it will off-set what we'd otherwise have to burn -- 7 Billion cubic feet of natural gas and 277,000 barrels of oil," FPL's Eric Silagy says. "We don't have to buy that now."
90,500 solar panels dot the Desoto County field. Florida Power and Light says it's the future of renewable energy, but some people in Arcadia fear that looking to the bigger picture of the future bypasses the present problems.
"With the decline of businesses, the quality of life went out because revenue left," Lonnie Ward Jr. of National Communications Network, says. "When you see people without jobs who can't provide for themselves, you see structures start to fall and people who can't cover mortgages."
In September this year, more than 1,700 people in Desoto County were without work. That's 11.7 percent unemployment. During the same month last year, unemployment sat at 8.5 percent.
Sustainable jobs at the solar fields are few, and that doesn't sit well with some.
"It's a waste of money," Bob Lee says. "It it doesn't bring jobs, why build it?"
But others hope the solar fields will mean long-term growth on the horizon.
"Disney started in the middle of the state, and it sprung up," Pastor Phil Stutzman of the Church of Arcadia, says. "Here we are, Arcadia, just waiting to be discovered."
there is a video if anyone would like to see it and also what the president had to say at the following link:
Monday, October 26, 2009
Brighter Planet
Your Planet, Brighter from Brighter Planet on Vimeo.
Take control of your environmental footprint
On you can measure your carbon footprint, discover simple ways to reduce it, track your progress, and share your experiences.
No politics, no arguments. Just real people, real actions — all making a real difference.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
coral reef options?
This is a really interesting article I read on the BBC website. It basically talks about how coral reefs are so degraded that chances of saving them are slim. In response to this, scientists proposed that they could freeze the coral in nitrogen and wait until the ocean stablizes before reintroducing them to the ocean.
To me, this idea seems pretty absurd, but read the short article for yourself to get a full understanding about it.
This is a really interesting article I read on the BBC website. It basically talks about how coral reefs are so degraded that chances of saving them are slim. In response to this, scientists proposed that they could freeze the coral in nitrogen and wait until the ocean stablizes before reintroducing them to the ocean.
To me, this idea seems pretty absurd, but read the short article for yourself to get a full understanding about it.
Water World: Bangladesh

Today on WGCU there was a global warming program about Bangladesh called Water World. It was much like the video we watched in class but more about the devastation of water on this country.
Made up of 230 rivers and a large coastline, water is everywhere. There have been five cyclones to hit the country in less than 3 years, increasing in power and frequency; a sign that global warming has already come. Cyclones use to hit once every ten to fifteen years, now hit every two to three years or even less. Dr. Rahman, a leading expert on human impacts on climate change, does not call it "Global Warming" but instead "Irreversible Catastrophic Climate Destabilization." There are over 20,000 refuges due to Cyclone Ira that lack food and a clean water supply. In order to get clean water the refuges have to take several boat rides daily to the main land. They also have limited shelter on their very small island. As a solution to the rising water levels people are living in house boats. However humans in Bangladesh are not the only ones hurting in this environment, but also the animals. Due to flooding the Bengal tigers food supply has been cut off and now they are more frequently turning to humans as a food source.
To watch the full video you can go to:
FYI there is another program next week about global warming in Denmark at 10:30 on Sunday. You can also download podcasts or watch these show at
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Education Group

Friday, October 23, 2009
Video Clip of Thought
I really thought that these video clips even though sometimes a little dull, express a since of realism in a way that many students can relate to. Being that I am one of the education groups, I am always searching for material I can use in order to demonstrate to students who might not be interested, the importance of the global warming topic. I thought in the ending of my education presentation at the high schools I could show this in order to cause a bit of questioning and thought amongst the students in an interesting and different way. Even though the clip is fully about simple cartoons singing what can happen in consequence to global warming, I thought it would still create some interest. What does everyone think?
I really thought that these video clips even though sometimes a little dull, express a since of realism in a way that many students can relate to. Being that I am one of the education groups, I am always searching for material I can use in order to demonstrate to students who might not be interested, the importance of the global warming topic. I thought in the ending of my education presentation at the high schools I could show this in order to cause a bit of questioning and thought amongst the students in an interesting and different way. Even though the clip is fully about simple cartoons singing what can happen in consequence to global warming, I thought it would still create some interest. What does everyone think?
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Bring it to the classroom
I thought that this website would be very helpful for the other education groups in case they wanted to come up with new ideas or plan something for the future. The web site is sponsored by the National Wildlife Federation and is devoted to how to educate kids on global climate change. There are different activities for children such as games, stories, and videos that both parents and teachers can show the children. There is also a side of the site that's for teen education which gives lesson plans, ideas on ways to take action, and facts that teens can do with adults but also can do on there own. J. Dean
this is the website check it out:
this is the website check it out:
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Posted for Amanda Allen
I wanted to post a link to the EPA's site for kids. I'm teaching elementary schoolers about climate change so I came across this site and think its an awesome tool.
Climigration: Migration forced by climate change. (Climate + migration.)
Reporting for Reuters on the Indigenous Peoples’ Global Summit on Climate Change, Deborah Zabarenko wrote:
The summit is taking place about 500 miles from the Alaskan village of Newtok, where intensifying river flow and melting permafrost are forcing 320 residents to resettle on a higher site some 9 miles away in a new consequence of climate change, known as climigration.
According to Zabarenko, “Newtok is the first official Arctic casualty of climate change”; but, 26 other Alaskan villages are considered to be in “immediate danger.”
Despite the very real threat that climate change poses to a number of indigenous communities, the chair of the summit, Patricia Cochran, an Inupiat native from Nome, Alsaka, said: “We don’t want to be seen just as the powerless victims of climate change.”
“Our conference is really stirred by our wanting to become leaders … on climate change because we have the ability to bring information from our communities to the rest of the world,” Cochran said in a telephone interview from Anchorage.
Indigenous traditions are hardly static, she said, noting that native people have always adapted to their changing and often harsh environments.
For instance, Cochran said, Inuit people in Alaska are reverting to traditional dogsleds instead of modern snow machines as the icy region warms.
“People go out on their snow machines, fall through the ice and are never seen again,” she said. “But our sled dogs will tell you when the ice is not safe … and they’re a lot easier to feed than (to pay) the gas prices that we have, $10 a gallon in many of our villages.”
Ahead of the conference, UN Under-Secretary-General Konrad Osterwalder stated:
The clear voice of Indigenous Peoples needs to be heard by rest of the world community and their insights honoured in critically important climate change discussions now underway. When it comes to implementing mitigation and adaptation strategies, the world would gain greatly from proven ancient approaches built on profound respect for the Earth.
(Climigration is an increasingly serious global issue. For example, in the South Pacific, 3,000 Carteret Islanders are having to migrate to Papua-New Guinea as a consequence of rising sea-levels; and residents of Tuvalu, where the highest point is just 13 feet above sea level, are facing a similar threat. In Kenya, prolongued drought has forced many of the nomadic Turknana people into towns and relief camps. Indeed, it seems like that climigration will become more and more of a catalyst for migration and, as a consequence, conflict.)
The summit is taking place about 500 miles from the Alaskan village of Newtok, where intensifying river flow and melting permafrost are forcing 320 residents to resettle on a higher site some 9 miles away in a new consequence of climate change, known as climigration.
According to Zabarenko, “Newtok is the first official Arctic casualty of climate change”; but, 26 other Alaskan villages are considered to be in “immediate danger.”
Despite the very real threat that climate change poses to a number of indigenous communities, the chair of the summit, Patricia Cochran, an Inupiat native from Nome, Alsaka, said: “We don’t want to be seen just as the powerless victims of climate change.”
“Our conference is really stirred by our wanting to become leaders … on climate change because we have the ability to bring information from our communities to the rest of the world,” Cochran said in a telephone interview from Anchorage.
Indigenous traditions are hardly static, she said, noting that native people have always adapted to their changing and often harsh environments.
For instance, Cochran said, Inuit people in Alaska are reverting to traditional dogsleds instead of modern snow machines as the icy region warms.
“People go out on their snow machines, fall through the ice and are never seen again,” she said. “But our sled dogs will tell you when the ice is not safe … and they’re a lot easier to feed than (to pay) the gas prices that we have, $10 a gallon in many of our villages.”
Ahead of the conference, UN Under-Secretary-General Konrad Osterwalder stated:
The clear voice of Indigenous Peoples needs to be heard by rest of the world community and their insights honoured in critically important climate change discussions now underway. When it comes to implementing mitigation and adaptation strategies, the world would gain greatly from proven ancient approaches built on profound respect for the Earth.
(Climigration is an increasingly serious global issue. For example, in the South Pacific, 3,000 Carteret Islanders are having to migrate to Papua-New Guinea as a consequence of rising sea-levels; and residents of Tuvalu, where the highest point is just 13 feet above sea level, are facing a similar threat. In Kenya, prolongued drought has forced many of the nomadic Turknana people into towns and relief camps. Indeed, it seems like that climigration will become more and more of a catalyst for migration and, as a consequence, conflict.)
Monday, October 19, 2009
Think you got facebook figured out? Take a minute to search earth friendly clubs and fan pages. Try searching with words such as "earth, environmental, recycle, green, climate change, etc" Here's a few that I've found for you already!
-The Planet Earth
- Our Fragile Earth
- Our Fragile Earth
- Climate Change
-The Planet Earth
- Our Fragile Earth
- Our Fragile Earth
- Climate Change
"Evangelical Leaders Join Global Warming Initiatives'
Despite some opposition, many evangelical leaders are joining the global warming initiative. For my project, I am exploring how religious groups are using their faith and their leadership positions to impact efforts toward inhibiting the global warming cycle.
"Despite opposition from some of their colleagues, 86 evangelical Christian leaders have decided to back a major initiative to fight global warming, saying "millions of people could die in this century because of climate change, most of them our poorest global neighbors."
"Among signers of the statement, which will be released in Washington on Wednesday, are the presidents of 39 evangelical colleges, leaders of aid groups and churches, like the Salvation Army, and pastors of megachurches, including Rick Warren, author of the best seller "The Purpose-Driven Life."
"Despite opposition from some of their colleagues, 86 evangelical Christian leaders have decided to back a major initiative to fight global warming, saying "millions of people could die in this century because of climate change, most of them our poorest global neighbors."
"Among signers of the statement, which will be released in Washington on Wednesday, are the presidents of 39 evangelical colleges, leaders of aid groups and churches, like the Salvation Army, and pastors of megachurches, including Rick Warren, author of the best seller "The Purpose-Driven Life."
Project underway this week...
I will be conducting my recycled arts and crafts project with the home schooled kids in Naples this week. I have collected all materials needed and cannot wait to get started. One bump in the road is that some kids have contracted the chicken pox, so the group will be smaller than originally intended. I plan to stress to the children that are present to spread the word of what they have learned to friends, family, and their piers. Hopefully, this outreach will encourage the children present to discuss it with those who could not attend, getting them all involved with the Internet site I posted last week.
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